Saturday, December 9, 2006

'Tis the season

Ok, so this is supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year right? So why do I feel it is the most stressful and actually kinda depressing time of the year?

First comes the weather... it's freezing!!! Who likes to be cold.. or wear multiple layers of clothes to venture outside, just to go back inside to have to shed them all to be comfortable, hoping that you don't pull up your shirt and expose yourself to the rest of the world... much less if you have kids, talk about a nightmare... you have to leave 20 minutes early to deal with the coats and hats etc...

Then there are the expectations of gifts, huge meals, lights, traveling to see realatives and such that comes with the holidays. Talk about a real cramp on your finances... Like as if your finances really are that great to begin with.

Finally is the hyperness that seems to either come with the holiday expectation or the entrapness that it seems everyone in your household gets during the season, impossible to keep any order in a household.

Don't take me wrong I love my family, and like the season of "joy" but can there be a national holiday for moms after the holiday to recoop from the massive amount of stress we endure during the season???

But when its all said andime. done, the sheer joy you can see on the kids faces on Christmas day when Santa comes.... has to be the most wonderful thing any parent can view in thier lifetime.

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